Karapiro School

Our Newsletters

Current notices are listed below. Old notices from the last month (if any) are listed below them.

Week 10; Term 2; 2024

Newsletter - Week 8 - Term 2

Newsletter Week 6 Term 2 2024

Week 4 Term 2 2024

Newsletter Week 11 Term 1 2024

Look us up at www.karāpiro.school.nz and like us on Facebook

Welcome to Week 11, Term 1 2024 

Happy Holidays from your school Board!

Thank You Mrs Jones

Karāpiro School staff and students would like to say a huge thank you to Mrs Marilynn Jones, for helping us out and teaching in Kowhai Class in Term 1. We have all really appreciated your work Marilynn - your relentless focus on making students feel welcome and supported at school, coupled with your teaching expertise has enabled students to make some huge learning leaps while they have been with you. We also want to thank you for going the extra mile for all of us and for all the extra work you do - that does not go unnoticed…. Cleaning out cupboards, weeding the gardens, trimming the flax bushes, providing delicious morning teas and snacks, feeding and clothing our students…. You really are a SUPER STAR Marilynn and we are so lucky to have you. We look forward to having you back for relief teaching in Term 2, and continuing to support our school as a member of our school Board. Arohanui!

Thank you and farewell from Miss Thatcher

Well the time has come to say goodbye and to swap the classroom for the courtroom! Thank you Karāpiro School for an amazing journey over the last 8+ years as your principal. It has been a privilege to serve our school and to be part of the lives of our beautiful tamariki.  I look forward to seeing you around Cambridge from time to time and hearing about your progress and achievements. I wish only the very best for each of you.



Thank you Tina Maree for your outstanding leadership of Karapiro School over the 8 plus years you have been our principal.

The school has flourished under your educational prowess and your support and empathy for our school and community. The board, school, students and community wish you all the best in your new career.


Karāpiro School 

Cambridge Pools Swimming Fun Day

Thanks to everyone who made our trip to the Perry Aquatic Centre so much fun on Tuesday. This was an awesome day out! We feel very proud of the comments that were made about our well mannered students who all had fun together, playing as a ‘family group’. Well done Karāpiro kids!

Education Review Office (ERO) Report

Last week Aneka Sieverts (Presiding Member/Board Chairperson), Marilynn Jones (Board Member) and Tina-Maree met with our Education Review Officer Ngaire Harris to finalise our latest Education Review. The report is currently being drafted and we look forward to sharing the final copy with you when it arrives.

2024 Student Leaders

Congratulations to the following students who have been elected as Student Leaders for 2024:

Student Council

Alexia, Matthew, Milla & Jacinta


Taniera, Eli & Levi

PAL’s (Physical Activity Leaders)

Dylan W, Alice & Celestine

Library Monitors

Aylah, Ryan, Ronja & Payton

Pool Keys

Our school swimming pool is now closed for the season. Please return your key to the school office and we will arrange for your deposit to be refunded to you. Thank you to Natalya Kitchng for managing our pool this term, as well as Sarah, Earl and Hannah for all your support to keep our pool sparkling. Thank you! 

School Bus

Our students catch two school buses: French Pass and Kentucky Road. This is a Ministry of Education funded service that provides an afternoon (home run) route. Cambridge Travel Lines holds the Ministry contract and parents wishing to enrol their child on the bus need to contact Vicky at Cambridge Travel Lines on 827 7363. 

Our school procedure for bus students is that teachers supervise the students until the bus arrives just after 3.30pm. Students on the bus need to have their shoes on, bags packed and their hands free (if you have a rugby ball etc please pack it in an extra bag). Bus monitors will be appointed from the senior students in the group and teaching staff will keep in touch with them about how things are going on the bus. 

Parents please ensure you keep the bus bay free between 3.25pm and 3.45pm. Thank you.

You can find more information about the Ministry of Education’s Conveyance Allowance here:  https://takueducationnz.my.site.com/SESTA/s/ 

Student Absences

A reminder that school starts at 9.00am. We recommended students arrive at 8.50am so they are ready for class and the morning roll. We remind our families that you need to advise us if your child is not attending school for any reason to enable us to account for our students and update our daily school roll. Please notify us prior to 9am each school day. A staff member will contact you to confirm the reason for the child’s absence. A child who has an unexplained absence will be marked as ‘truant’ and our truancy procedures apply. 

To advise us of your child’s absence you can contact the school office on 827 7642 and leave a message. You can also email Natalya at the school office on office@karapiro.school.nz. Your answerphone message also goes to our email and we clear these messages regularly.

You can also advise us of student absences by going to our school website www.karapiro.school.nz and completing the online form using the 'Student Absences' button. Your answerphone message also goes to our email and we clear these messages regularly.

Please do not text or email Tina-Maree with your absences. Thank you. 

A reminder also that if your child is late to school (after 9am) or leaves before the end of the school day (for example to attend an appointment) you are required to sign your child out of school. If the office is closed please make contact with your teacher.

Fuel for Schools

A number of school families and Karāpiro community members have registered Karāpiro School on the Fern Fuel for Schools programme. Have you thought about registering us too? We currently have approximately $800 gifted - when we get to $1000 there are school items we can select for the students-  for free! Thank you for supporting us through this awesome initiative. 

We need your help! 

Can you spare some time to help out at school? We don’t have a caretaker and we rely on the support of our community to keep our school looking great for our students. Please pop in at a time that best suits you and lend a hand with the following jobs:

Tree trimming of our school house trees which are hanging over the paddock

Weed school vege garden and tidy up the rear of the playground

Weed carpark gardens & spread bark on gardens

Cut up firewood into chunks for splitting (PTA fundraiser) 

Music Lessons

Music lessons are available at school during school hours. We support this being available to students as we know the benefits learning an instrument has to education.

June MacKenzie is available to teach both individual and group lessons in guitar, ukulele, piano and keyboard. If your child is interested in learning an instrument and does not have access to one please let us know as there may be the option to loan one from the school. Lessons are $160 per term payable directly to June. Please contact June Mackenzie on 021 136 0583 if you are interested.

Please note we also have a school scholarship for a student to try a musical instrument for a term - please see Tina-Maree for more information. 

Term 2 Assembly 

Please also note at the start Term 2 we will be holding an assembly and morning tea to welcome our new staff and students. The assembly will be held at 9:30am on the 29th of April. We hope to see you there.

Karāpiro School Community PlayGroup

Our PlayGroup is scheduled to get up and running again soon. Please keep a look out for our next flyer which we invite you to share with friends and family and anyone you know who might like to come along and join us. Please also note the transition dates for our new students starting school with us. 

Ngā mihi

Tina-Maree and the Karāpiro Staff team 

Screen%20Shot%202018-03-01%20at%203.03.20%20PM.png Find us on Facebook 

2024 Sports Information 

Hautapu Sports Club


Hautapu Sports Club is thrilled to again  offer Hockey and  Rugby  to our Junior Superstars in 2024!


Primary Hockey is played on Friday afternoons/evenings at St Peter’s School, 1716 Cambridge Road, Cambridge.

For more information or to play primary (year 3-6) hockey for Hautapu Sports Club register HERE

Intermediate Hockey is played on Friday afternoons/evenings at various locations throughout the Waikato.

To play intermediate (year 7-8) hockey for Hautapu Sports Club or to find our more information please register HERE  If you have any questions please email Marie;  juniorhockey@hautapusports.com



Rippa Rugby teams for new entrants to year 2 children, will play on Friday evenings, mainly at  Memorial Park, Taylor Street with the occasional game at Leamington Rugby Club, Carlyle St, Leamington.


Tackle rugby teams, year 3-6 children will play at Memorial Park, Taylor Street, Cambridge on Saturday mornings. Depending on the number of teams in each tackle grade, some grades may travel between various clubs for games as we have in the past. These clubs may include Putaruru, Hinuera and SURF (Tokoroa).

You can register your superstar HERE

For any questions or further information please email our amazing Junior Rugby Co-ordinators, Rhys and Stacey at juniorrugby@hautapusports.com

Leamington Rugby and Sports Club

Leamington Sports Club is excited to offer Hockey and  Rugby in 2024!

Junior Hockey is available for Years 3-8.

Providing a strong development program for all grades on a Tuesday afternoon. 

Contact Nadine Butcher for more info leamingtonjuniorsport@outlook.com

Register for Hockey: https://www.sporty.co.nz/viewform/285577



Junior Rugby is available for Years 0-8 

Rippa Rugby for the little ones and Tackle for the big kids! Run by a Leamington ‘old boy’ and Dad, Jason Rouse. Passionate about all kids having a go. For more info contact Jason leamingtonjuniorsport@outlook.com

Register for Rugby: https://www.sporty.co.nz/viewform/277709

CJRS (Cambridge Junior Rugby Sports Club)  www.cjrs.co.nz

CJRS are excited to again offer rugby for our intermediate (Year 7 & 8) players. 

We will  enter teams in the Waikato Central Rugby competition, games are played throughout Hamilton as well as at our home ground, Memorial Park, Cambridge.

For more information and to register your year 7 or 8 rugby superstar, click HERE

You can email cjrsclub@gmail.com if you would like to know anything further.


Hautapu Sports Club

Hautapu Sports Club are thrilled to offer Junior Netball to Year 0-8 children this season. 

We would love your superstar to join us. (They are ALL superstars)

For Primary players (years 0-6) register HERE

For Intermediate players (years 7-8 ) register HERE

For more information email Jody Anderson, Director of Junior Netball, juniornetball@hautapusports.com


Leamington Rugby and Sports Club

Leamington Sports Club is excited to offer Junior Netball in 2024!

We offer this to children in Year 0-8

For more info click HERE or email leamingtonjuniorsport@outlook.com

TVP Sports Club

TVP Sports Club is offering Junior Netball for students in Years 0-4 this season.

This is being coordinated by Jacqui McCann, you can contact her here at tvpjuniornetball@gmail.com

Register 👉 https://www.sporty.co.nz/viewform/228017

Newsletter Week 9 Term 1 2024

Look us up at www.karāpiro.school.nz and like us on Facebook

Welcome to Week 9, Term 1 2024 

This week we welcome 3 new students to our school. Welcome Pia! We are delighted to welcome Pia to Karāpoiro School where she has joined Kowhai Class and has already made a lovely group of new friends. Welcome to you and your family Pia - we wish you many happy school days ahead. We are also very happy to welcome Ryan and his brother Dylan to our school. Ryan has joined Pohutukawa Class and Dylan joins Pia in Kowhai Class. Welcome to you and your family, to Karāpiro School and the Waikato region.

Thank you from Miss Thatcher

Thank you! I just loved my Italian-themed farewell lunch last week - complete with pizza and Italian music! Thank you to the staff, the board and parents who came along for all that you did to make it a really special occasion. I do really appreciate your gifts and cards - the heartfelt speeches from the children were super-special and the video messages were lovely to watch. Thank you also to our past students for taking the time to come along - it was very special to have you there. I am certainly feeling the love!!! Thank you. 

Thank you Tina Maree for your outstanding leadership of Karapiro School over the 8 plus years you have been our principal.

The school has flourished under your educational prowess and your support and empathy for our school and community. The board, school, students and community wish you all the best in your new career.


Karāpiro School staff and students

Cambridge Pools Swimming Fun Day

In honour of Mrs Jones finishing up the term teaching with us in Kowhai Class, we have decided to have a bit of fun together! Karāpiro School will be having a day out at the Perry Aquatic Centre, 23 Williamson Street, Cambridge on Tuesday 9 April from 9.30-2pm. We will have morning tea and lunch at the pools. We are hoping to have as many students as possible transported to the pools by parents. Students will need to be dropped at the pools and meet us in the carpark at 9.30am and collected at 2pm. (If your child does require transport they would need to be at school at 8.45am). 

We would like to extend the invitation to our parents with preschoolers to come along and join us for some fun on this day :) Please indicate if you are coming so we can include you in our numbers. There will be no cost to parents and students as it will be covered by the school. 

Students will need to bring:

Swimwear, towel (1-2), goggles (if they prefer to swim with them), warm layers (jersey or jacket), a water bottle (one that can be refilled is best), a packed morning tea and a large lunch, covered footwear.Any medical gear you need (i.e. your inhaler).

Students using car seats must bring their car seat with them (we have one car seats & 2 booster seat available for you to borrow)

2024 Health Profile forms do need to be updated for our students. If your child has not updated their's this year please do send one back to school as soon as possible (Rural Swim Sports students have recently completed these). Thank you. If you have any questions regarding the trip please let us know.

Please complete the permission form here:   https://forms.gle/FPLLB2Y2K9R7sj7C7 

Cultural Observances


We remind our families that the Easter break is almost upon us and school will be closed on Good Friday, Easter Monday and Easter Tuesday. Easter Tuesday is not a public holiday but is an education holiday (usually held in the school holiday break but falling earlier in term time this year). We wish you a happy Easter with your families and look forward to seeing you back on Wednesday 3 April at 9am.  You can find more information on school terms and holidays at the Ministry of Education online

Reporting to Parents - Student Led Conferences

You can now book your child’s Student Led Conference (SLC’S) on either Wednesday 3 April or Thursday 4 April between 2.30pm and 5.30pm. Please follow the link to book your time. We are aiming for 100% attendance at our SLC’s this term. Don’t miss this important opportunity for your child to share their learning and to have a conversation with your child’s teacher about their progress and goals for the year. 

A reminder that at Karāpiro School we hold SLC’s in Terms 1 and 3. At the end of Terms 2 and 4 you will receive a written Snapshot Report showing your child’s progress.

Follow the link below to book your SLC:


Safe Roads Around Our School - Update

Our latest communication with Waka Kotahi informs us that the planning stages for the new roundabout at the SH/Karāpiro Road intersection should be completed by May 2024. As you know we are very keen to know when construction will begin! We will keep you updated with anything else we manage to find out. In the meantime, Waka Kotahi has released its latest newsletter and you can view this by clicking the link below: 


Phones away for the day

2024 Cybersafety Student User Agreements have been sent home with students. Please discuss these with your child and return the signed portion to school. Please note that our Cybersafety Student User Agreements include mobile phones at school. Our procedure to manage mobile phones at school (or other internet capable devices) is for parents to discuss this with their child’s teacher and the device will be stored in the office for the school day, and handed back to the child at the end of the day. Please note that we do not currently have any students bringing devices to school or storing them in the office. Please also note that we strongly discourage other personal digital items coming to school (such as cameras or photo-capable watches) and encourage students to keep these items at home. Thank you.

Foundation Learning

This term, teaching staff have made small changes to the school timetable, to meet the new government requirements which expect us to teach an average of one hour per day for reading, writing and mathematics. While we have always given priority time (‘prime time’ learning every morning) to these foundation learning areas, we have also found the need to align our timetable with our staffing plan. This means we have Marilynn/Emma teaching Kowhai Class in the morning and Nicole teaching Pohutukawa Class. In the afternoons the group combines with Nicole teaching the group, supported by Whaea Amanda. Our learning blocks are structured into roughly one hour blocks in the morning between 9 and 12 (with short breaks), lunch taken between 12 and 1pm (play first then lunch eating) and the afternoon block consisting of 2 hours. This change appears to be working well but it does rely on students being at school on time in the mornings. The ideal time for students to arrive in the morning is 8.45am. Classes begin at 9am sharp. 

If you’d like more information on this please check the Ministry of Education curriculum website

School Bus

Our students catch two school buses: French Pass and Kentucky Road. This is a Ministry of Education funded service that provides an afternoon (home run) route. Cambridge Travel Lines holds the Ministry contract and parents wishing to enrol their child on the bus need to contact Vicky at Cambridge Travel Lines on 827 7363. 

Our school procedure for bus students is that teachers supervise the students until the bus arrives just after 3.30pm. Students on the bus need to have their shoes on, bags packed and their hands free (if you have a rugby ball etc please pack it in an extra bag). Bus monitors will be appointed from the senior students in the group and teaching staff will keep in touch with them about how things are going on the bus. 

Parents please ensure you keep the bus bay free between 3.25pm and 3.45pm. Thank you.

You can find more information about the Ministry of Education’s Conveyance Allowance here:  https://takueducationnz.my.site.com/SESTA/s/ 

Student Absences

A reminder that school starts at 9.00am. We recommended students arrive at 8.50pm so they are ready for class and the morning roll. We remind our families that you need to advise us if your child is not attending school for any reason to enable us to account for our students and update our daily school roll. Please notify us prior to 9am each school day. A staff member will contact you to confirm the reason for the child’s absence. A child who has an unexplained absence will be marked as ‘truant’ and our truancy procedures apply. 

To advise us of your child’s absence you can contact the school office on 827 7642 and leave a message. You can also email Natalya at the school office on office@karapiro.school.nz. Your answerphone message also goes to our email and we clear these messages regularly.

You can also advise us of student absences by going to our school website www.karapiro.school.nz and completing the online form using the 'Student Absences' button. 

Please do not text or email Tina-Maree with your absences. Thank you. 

A reminder also that if your child is late to school (after 9am) or leaves before the end of the school day (for example to attend an appointment) you are required to sign your child out of school. If the office is closed please make contact with your teacher.

Fuel for Schools

A number of school families and Karāpiro community members have registered Karāpiro School on the Fern Fuel for Schools programme. Have you thought about registering us too? We currently have approximately $800 gifted - when we get to $1000 there are school items we can select for the students-  for free! Thank you for supporting us through this awesome initiative. 

We need your help!  Got some spare time over Easter to help us out?

Can you spare some time to help out at school? We don’t have a caretaker and we rely on the support of our community to keep our school looking great for our students. Please pop in at a time that best suits you and lend a hand with the following jobs:

Tree trimming of our school house trees which are hanging over the paddock

Weed school vege garden and tidy up the rear of the playground

Weed carpark gardens & spread bark on gardens

Cut up firewood into chunks for splitting (PTA fundraiser) 

Music Lessons

Music lessons are available at school during school hours. We support this being available to students as we know the benefits learning an instrument has to education.

June MacKenzie is available to teach both individual and group lessons in guitar, ukulele, piano and keyboard. If your child is interested in learning an instrument and does not have access to one please let us know as there may be the option to loan one from the school. Lessons are $160 per term payable directly to June. Please contact June Mackenzie on 021 136 0583 if you are interested.

Please note we also have a school scholarship for a student to try a musical instrument for a term - please see Tina-Maree for more information. 

Pool Keys

New pool keys are still available to you. Pool key hire is $50 for school families and $70 for community members. There is an additional $10 key bond which will be refunded when the key is returned. If you hired a key last season please return your last season’s key to the school office.

Karāpiro School Community PlayGroup

Our PlayGroup is scheduled to get up and running again soon. Please keep a look out for our next flyer which we invite you to share with friends and family and anyone you know who might like to come along and join us. Please also note the transition dates for our new students starting school with us. 

HAPPY EASTER everyone!

Ngā mihi

Tina-Maree and the Karāpiro Staff team 

Screen%20Shot%202018-03-01%20at%203.03.20%20PM.png Find us on Facebook 

2024 Sports Information 

Hautapu Sports Club


Hautapu Sports Club is thrilled to again  offer Hockey and  Rugby  to our Junior Superstars in 2024!


Primary Hockey is played on Friday afternoons/evenings at St Peter’s School, 1716 Cambridge Road, Cambridge.

For more information or to play primary (year 3-6) hockey for Hautapu Sports Club register HERE

Intermediate Hockey is played on Friday afternoons/evenings at various locations throughout the Waikato.

To play intermediate (year 7-8) hockey for Hautapu Sports Club or to find our more information please register HERE  If you have any questions please email Marie;  juniorhockey@hautapusports.com



Rippa Rugby teams for new entrants to year 2 children, will play on Friday evenings, mainly at  Memorial Park, Taylor Street with the occasional game at Leamington Rugby Club, Carlyle St, Leamington.


Tackle rugby teams, year 3-6 children will play at Memorial Park, Taylor Street, Cambridge on Saturday mornings. Depending on the number of teams in each tackle grade, some grades may travel between various clubs for games as we have in the past. These clubs may include Putaruru, Hinuera and SURF (Tokoroa).

You can register your superstar HERE

For any questions or further information please email our amazing Junior Rugby Co-ordinators, Rhys and Stacey at juniorrugby@hautapusports.com

Leamington Rugby and Sports Club

Leamington Sports Club is excited to offer Hockey and  Rugby in 2024!

Junior Hockey is available for Years 3-8.

Providing a strong development program for all grades on a Tuesday afternoon. 

Contact Nadine Butcher for more info leamingtonjuniorsport@outlook.com

Register for Hockey: https://www.sporty.co.nz/viewform/285577



Junior Rugby is available for Years 0-8 

Rippa Rugby for the little ones and Tackle for the big kids! Run by a Leamington ‘old boy’ and Dad, Jason Rouse. Passionate about all kids having a go. For more info contact Jason leamingtonjuniorsport@outlook.com

Register for Rugby: https://www.sporty.co.nz/viewform/277709

CJRS (Cambridge Junior Rugby Sports Club)  www.cjrs.co.nz

CJRS are excited to again offer rugby for our intermediate (Year 7 & 8) players. 

We will  enter teams in the Waikato Central Rugby competition, games are played throughout Hamilton as well as at our home ground, Memorial Park, Cambridge.

For more information and to register your year 7 or 8 rugby superstar, click HERE

You can email cjrsclub@gmail.com if you would like to know anything further.


Hautapu Sports Club

Hautapu Sports Club are thrilled to offer Junior Netball to Year 0-8 children this season. 

We would love your superstar to join us. (They are ALL superstars)

For Primary players (years 0-6) register HERE

For Intermediate players (years 7-8 ) register HERE

For more information email Jody Anderson, Director of Junior Netball, juniornetball@hautapusports.com


Leamington Rugby and Sports Club

Leamington Sports Club is excited to offer Junior Netball in 2024!

We offer this to children in Year 0-8

For more info click HERE or email leamingtonjuniorsport@outlook.com

TVP Sports Club

TVP Sports Club is offering Junior Netball for students in Years 0-4 this season.

This is being coordinated by Jacqui McCann, you can contact her here at tvpjuniornetball@gmail.com

Register 👉 https://www.sporty.co.nz/viewform/228017

Newsletter Week 5 Term 4 2024

Look us up at www.karāpiro.school.nz and like us on Facebook

Welcome to Week 5, Term 1 2024 


It is hard to believe we are beginning Week 5 already - the weeks are whizzing by! We have been working hard at school and we are well and truly back into our school and class routines.

I am excited to introduce to you our new Office Manager! Miss Natalya Kitching has joined our staff team and is busy training in the office. We are very excited to have Natalya come onboard with us - pop in and introduce yourself! You will find Miss Kitching in the school office from 8.30am-11.30am each day.  Outside of those hours our school phone is monitored so please do leave a message on 827 7642 and we will come back to you. 

In other staff news, we are enjoying having Mrs Emma Page providing some teaching relief cover. This is a great opportunity for Emma to get to know our students and she will be with us until the end of the week, before starting in Kowhai next term. Mrs Nicole O’Gorman is currently away on sick leave and we wish her well with her recovery and look forward to her return next week.

Olympic Visitors

How exciting to have a visit from Olympic Athletes Max Brown (kayaking) and Davina Waddy (rowing) and coach Daniella Cameron. Thank you so much Max and Davina for your positive and inspiring message for our students, which was to make the most of the opportunities that are in front of you at school.

Max and Davina shared how their experience of going to small rural schools when they were younger set them up to make it to the top of their chosen sports. Max told the children to “be the kid who puts their hand up and takes that opportunity.” Davina taught the children to be resilient and “show up - even when you’re tired” and to keep your eye on your goals. Thank you both for inspiring our students. 

Max is trialling for the Olympic crew and Davina has been confirmed for Paris. We will watch your Olympic campaign closely as a school and we wish you well as you train for Paris later this year.

Davina gifted Karāpiro School a medal which we plan to award to students demonstrating resilience at school during our everyday learning activities. 

2024 Sports Information 

Hautapu Sports Club


Hautapu Sports Club is thrilled to again  offer Hockey and  Rugby  to our Junior Superstars in 2024!


Primary Hockey is played on Friday afternoons/evenings at St Peter’s School, 1716 Cambridge Road, Cambridge.

For more information or to play primary (year 3-6) hockey for Hautapu Sports Club register HERE

Intermediate Hockey is played on Friday afternoons/evenings at various locations throughout the Waikato.

To play intermediate (year 7-8) hockey for Hautapu Sports Club or to find our more information please register HERE  If you have any questions please email Marie;  juniorhockey@hautapusports.com



Rippa Rugby teams for new entrants to year 2 children, will play on Friday evenings, mainly at  Memorial Park, Taylor Street with the occasional game at Leamington Rugby Club, Carlyle St, Leamington.


Tackle rugby teams, year 3-6 children will play at Memorial Park, Taylor Street, Cambridge on Saturday mornings. Depending on the number of teams in each tackle grade, some grades may travel between various clubs for games as we have in the past. These clubs may include Putaruru, Hinuera and SURF (Tokoroa).

You can register your superstar HERE

For any questions or further information please email our amazing Junior Rugby Co-ordinators, Rhys and Stacey at juniorrugby@hautapusports.com

Leamington Rugby and Sports Club

Leamington Sports Club is excited to offer Hockey and  Rugby in 2024!

Junior Hockey is available for Years 3-8.

Providing a strong development program for all grades on a Tuesday afternoon. 

Contact Nadine Butcher for more info leamingtonjuniorsport@outlook.com

Register for Hockey: https://www.sporty.co.nz/viewform/285577



Junior Rugby is available for Years 0-8 

Rippa Rugby for the little ones and Tackle for the big kids! Run by a Leamington ‘old boy’ and Dad, Jason Rouse. Passionate about all kids having a go. For more info contact Jason leamingtonjuniorsport@outlook.com

Register for Rugby: https://www.sporty.co.nz/viewform/277709

CJRS (Cambridge Junior Rugby Sports Club)  www.cjrs.co.nz

CJRS are excited to again offer rugby for our intermediate (Year 7 & 8) players. 

We will  enter teams in the Waikato Central Rugby competition, games are played throughout Hamilton as well as at our home ground, Memorial Park, Cambridge.

For more information and to register your year 7 or 8 rugby superstar, click HERE

You can email cjrsclub@gmail.com if you would like to know anything further.


Hautapu Sports Club

Hautapu Sports Club are thrilled to offer Junior Netball to Year 0-8 children this season. 

We would love your superstar to join us. (They are ALL superstars)

For Primary players (years 0-6) register HERE

For Intermediate players (years 7-8 ) register HERE

For more information email Jody Anderson, Director of Junior Netball, juniornetball@hautapusports.com


Leamington Rugby and Sports Club

Leamington Sports Club is excited to offer Junior Netball in 2024!

We offer this to children in Year 0-8

For more info click HERE or email leamingtonjuniorsport@outlook.com

TVP Sports Club

TVP Sports Club is offering Junior Netball for students in Years 0-4 this season.

This is being coordinated by Jacqui McCann, you can contact her here at tvpjuniornetball@gmail.com

Register 👉 https://www.sporty.co.nz/viewform/228017

Thank You

We are feeling very lucky to have been gifted $200 by the Cambridge High School Leo’s fundraising group. Last year the group donated some library shelving furniture to our school library and the group wanted us to have this money to purchase some new library books. Thank you Cambridge High Leo’s!

We also wish to thank Johan who has been providing caretaker services to our school, for his awesome work. Johan recently installed some fencing along the side of the school by the school vege gardens. It is great to have this final piece of fencing installed to secure the site.

School Bus

We have a group of students catching the school us this year. This is a Ministry of Education funded bus that provides an afternoon (home run) service. Cambridge Travel Lines holds the Ministry contract for this and parents wishing to enrol their child on the bus need to contact Vicky at Cambridge Travel Lines on 827 7363. 

Our school procedure for bus students is that teachers supervise the students until the bus arrives just after 3.30pm. Students on the bus need to have their shoes on, bags packed and their hands free (if you have a rugby ball etc please pack it in an extra bag). Bus monitors will be appointed from the senior students in the group and teaching staff will keep in touch with them about how things are going on the bus. 

Parents please ensure you keep the bus bay free between 3.25pm and 3.45pm. Thank you.

Student Absences

We remind our families that you need to advise us if your child is not attending school for any reason to enable us to account for our students and update our daily school roll. Please notify us prior to 9am each school day. A staff member will contact you to confirm the reason for the child’s absence. A child who has an unexplained absence will be marked as ‘truant’ and our truancy procedures apply. 

To advise us of your child’s absence you can contact the school office on 827 7642 and leave a message. You can also email Natalya at the school office on office@karapiro.school.nz. Your answerphone message also goes to our email and we clear these messages regularly.

You can also advise us of student absences by going to our school website www.karapiro.school.nz and completing the online form using the 'Student Absences' button. Your answerphone message also goes to our email and we clear these messages regularly.

Please do not text or email Tina-Maree with your absences. Thank you. 

A reminder also that if your child is late to school (after 9am) or leaves before the end of the school day (for example to attend an appointment) you are required to sign your child out of school. If the office is closed please make contact with your teacher. Thank you. 

Swimming at school

We are very fortunate to have Natalya looking after our school pool and making sure it is up to standard. We are also very lucky to be able to swim every day at school. Please support your child’s daily swimming by sending washed togs and towels to school each day. (It’s not very nice to have to put on togs or use a towel that has spent a week or a weekend stuck in a bag!) Thank you. 

Board Update

The Board’s next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 19 March at 3.30pm in the school staffroom. If you would like to attend please contact our Presiding Member Aneka Sieverts. 

The Board is working through the appointments process of the new principal and will communicate with the community in due course.

Fuel for Schools

A number of school families and Karāpiro community members have registered Karāpiro School on the Fern Fuel for Schools programme. Have you thought about registering us too? We currently have approximately $800 gifted - when we get to $1000 there are school items we can select for the students-  for free! Thank you for supporting us through this awesome initiative. 

We need your help!

Can you spare some time to help out at school? We don’t have a caretaker and we rely on the support of our community to keep our school looking great for our students. Please pop in at a time that best suits you and lend a hand with the following jobs:

Tree trimming of our school house trees which are hanging over the paddock

Weed school vege garden and tidy up the rear of the playground

Weed carpark gardens & spread bark on gardens

Cut up firewood into chunks for splitting (PTA fundraiser) 

Music Lessons

Music lessons are available at school during school hours. We support this being available to students as we know the benefits learning an instrument has to education.

June MacKenzie is available to teach both individual and group lessons in guitar, ukulele, piano and keyboard. If your child is interested in learning an instrument and does not have access to one please let us know as there may be the option to loan one from the school. Lessons are $160 per term payable directly to June. Please contact June Mackenzie on 021 136 0583 if you are interested.

Please note we also have a school scholarship for a student to try a musical instrument for a term - please see Tina-Maree for more information. 

Pool Keys

New pool keys are still available to you. Pool key hire is $50 for school families and $70 for community members. There is an additional $10 key bond which will be refunded when the key is returned. If you hired a key last season please return your last season’s key to the school office.

Karāpiro School Community PlayGroup

Our PlayGroup is scheduled to get up and running again soon. Please keep a look out for our next flyer which we invite you to share with friends and family and anyone you know who might like to come along and join us. Please also note the transition dates for our new students starting school with us. 

Ngā mihi

Tina-Maree and the Karāpiro Staff team 

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Newsletter Week 1 Term 1 2024

Look us up at www.karāpiro.school.nz and like us on Facebook

Welcome to Week 1, Term 1 2024 

It is my pleasure to welcome you back to school! I trust you have enjoyed the summer break with your children and have been able to relax over the Christmas break. The Karāpiro team and I are very excited to be back at school and have taken the time to set up over the last few weeks - we are ready to go!

As I begin my 9th year, and final term, at Karāpiro School, I have been reflecting on what a special place our school really is. We all choose to be here - and we all want what’s best for our students and because of this, the relational trust between home and school is high and we are all focussed on the children. I firmly believe that when we keep the children at the heart of the matter, we really can make a difference to the quality of teaching and learning we enable. 

It really does take a team to keep everything running smoothly and I am very grateful to Sarah and Earl Gerhardt and for faithfully tending to our school pool over the holiday break. You have had the pool sparkling and looking like a holiday resort! Thank you for your time and commitment to our school. Thank you also to Hannah McClure who stepped up to help out as well (making sure the Gerdhardt’s still had their holiday!).  It is a pleasure to start the term with the pool ready to go and to have our students practising their swimming skills right from day one. Thank you!

Last year we put a call out to families asking if they would like to replace some student trophies that hadn’t been returned to school. Along with the new awards donated last year we are thrilled to receive a brand new sports trophy ('Junior Netball - Most Improved Player') from Kirsten and the Roberts family. Thank you so much for this stunning donation to our school prizegiving awards for students. 

Welcome to our new students!

We are very excited to welcome Isla to our school! Isla has turned 5 and joins Kowhai Class. We also welcome brothers Levi and Devon to our school. Levi has joined the Pohutukawa team with Mrs OG (O’Gorman) and Devon has started in Kowhai class. We wish you and your families many happy school days ahead at Karāpiro!

Staff Update

Welcome baby Matteo!

I am delighted to announce the safe arrival of our new ‘school baby’! Matteo arrived safely into our world and Lynda and Issam and their family are rapt. We are all very excited (and a wee bit clucky!) about our new arrival and looking forward to a visit from Lynda and Matteo sometime soon. We hope you enjoy this beautiful photo of baby Matteo that Lynda has sent through to us. 

Welcome to Our New Staff

We are very happy to welcome Mrs Nicole O’Gorman (“Mrs OG”) to our teaching team. Nicole has set up an exciting learning environment in Pohutukawa Class and is teaching our Year 4-6 students. Nicole is keen to meet our school families so please do pop in and say hello or catch her after school at the gate.

We are also excited to welcome back Mrs Marilynn Jones, who is teaching in Kowhai Class this term and is well known to our students. We are very grateful to Marilynn for stepping in, at short notice, to cover Mrs Emma Page who is on leave for the term (please refer to my email sent to families last Friday). Marilynn has stepped down from her role on the board at this time. 

Amanda Tucker has joined us in a full-time capacity this year, working across both classes throughout the school day and providing learning support to students. Welcome back Amanda!

We are also working through the process of appointing an Office Manager to cover Lynda’s parental leave for this year and we will keep you updated.

Board Update

The Board of Trustee’s next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 13 February at 3.30pm in the school staffroom. 

Applications for the new principal position have now closed and the Board are working through the appointment process. 

School Building Upgrade - Nga Iti Kahurangi

Our school building upgrade has now been completed thanks to funding from the Ministry of Education and the Nga Iti Kahurangi project. We are all delighted with the colour change which families have described as ‘soothing and calm.’ A student commented that the colour now makes us feel ‘part of the land that we sit on’ :) It’s great to start the new year with a fresh new paint job and school buildings which are maintained to a high standard. 

School Stationery

We are now ready for students to bring their stationery to school. Stationery is available online and our school is pre-loaded with OfficeMax where we have the best deals on prices. Go to https://www.myschool.co.nz/karapiro and you will find the class lists loaded there. Click and confirm for delivery. You can pay by internet banking, credit card or debit card and a layby option is also available. Please send these in to school as soon as possible as curriculum lessons are now underway. Thank you.

Term Dates 2024

You can find our term dates and other school events on our school Calendar (which is also available on our school website) which we keep updated for you. Please note that next Monday 5 February is a teacher only day and school will be closed on this day. We look forward to seeing you back at school on Wednesday 7 February) after Waitangi Day. It is also likely that there will be further Teacher Only Day as we continue to implement the new school curriculum throughout the year. The dates are yet to be advised. 

We need your help!

Can you spare some time to help out at school? We don’t have a caretaker and we rely on the support of our community to keep our school looking great for our students. Please pop in at a time that best suits you and lend a hand with the following jobs:

Hedge trimming (behind school)

Weed school vege garden and tidy up the rear of the playground

Weed carpark gardens & spread bark on gardens

Cut up firewood into chunks for splitting (PTA fundraiser) 

Transport to School

We are also looking to help one of our school families with transport. Is there anyone coming to Karāpiro School from town who could do a Leamington pick up and drop off for a week or two? Please let us know if you are able to assist. Thank you.

Music Lessons

Music lessons are available at school during school hours. We support this being available to students as we know the benefits learning an instrument has to education.

June MacKenzie is available to teach both individual and group lessons in guitar, ukulele, piano and keyboard. If your child is interested in learning an instrument and does not have access to one please let us know as there may be the option to loan one from the school. Lessons are $160 per term parable directly to June. Please contact June Mackenzie on 021 136 0583 if you are interested.

Pool Keys

New pool keys are still available to you. Pool key hire is $50 for school families and $70 for community members. There is an additional $10 key bond which will be refunded when the key is returned. If you hired a key last season please return your last season’s key to the school office.

Karāpiro School Community PlayGroup

Our PlayGroup is scheduled to get up and running again soon. Please keep a look out for our next flyer which we invite you to share with friends and family and anyone you know who might like to come along and join us. Please also note the transition dates for our new students starting school with us. 

Teachers will soon be making contact with families to let you know key information such as classroom and curriculum details as well as swimming and library schedules. 

Once again, welcome back to school. 

Ngā mihi

Tina-Maree and the Karāpiro Staff team 

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Newsletter Week 10 Term 4 2023

Look us up at www.karāpiro.school.nz and like us on Facebook

Welcome to Week 10, Term 4 2023  

Merry Christmas!

This is our final newsletter for 2023. Thank you to our fabulous school families for your exceptional support over the course of the year. You have helped us in so many ways. Thank you especially for your kindness and thoughtfulness (and your home baking for the staff room coffee table!) It really has been an action-packed year, full of exciting learning opportunities for our students. We couldn’t do what we do without you. Thank you. Check out our Facebook page for prizegiving photos and a copy of the 2023 Yearbook!

After an emotional farewell at our Prizegiving, it is time to say goodbye for Tina and Dan. Go well you two! We are excited for the new journey you are heading off too and we thank you for your contributions to Karāpiro School. You will be missed.

We also send our best wishes off with Lynda as she heads off on maternity leave on Friday. We can’t wait to meet our new school-baby in the New Year.


2024 Staffing

Thank you to Nicole and Emma who came into school last week to meet the students. They enjoyed a lovely afternoon together where they spent some time getting to know each other. We look forward to Nicole and Emma joining the Karāpiro staff team in the New Year. 

Stationery for 2024

Back to school stationery – order now!

We’ve teamed up with OfficeMax to make your back to school shop super easy. And if you order in December, you’ll go in the draw to WIN 1 of 5 $1000 cash prizes*.

Your child’s class list is already loaded. Just go to https://www.myschool.co.nz/karapiro. Simply add your details, check that you want everything on the list, then click and confirm — and OfficeMax will get your delivery underway with free delivery on orders over $70^.

You can pay by internet banking, credit card or debit card. Laybuy* is also available, so you can pay in 6 weekly, interest-free payments and still get your order right away. Plus you’ll be helping our school earn school rewards* that we use to purchase much needed extra resources for our school.We encourage you to order early to ensure your child has all their stationery requirements ready to go in plenty of time for the start of Term 1. So go ahead and beat the back to school rush, order today and give them the best start possible.

*Terms and Conditions apply, see myschool.co.nz for details. ^Exclusions apply, see myschool.co.nz/delivery for details.

School Awards

Thank you to those families who have expressed an interest in donating a trophy to the school. We are in need of a replacement trophy for Ag Day for the “Third Overall Lamb.” Please let us know if you would like to donate this trophy to our school awards collection. Thank you.

Thank you to the Roberts Family and Mitchell Family for your donations of trophies.

Karāpiro Hydro Dam Upgrade

Are you looking for more information about the Karāpiro Hydro Dam upgrade? If you want more info check out the link to see a video about the turbine upgrade. 

School Pool

Our school pool is open during the school holidays thanks to Sarah Gerhardt and Hannah McClure. If there are any issues with the pool during the break please contact me on 027 777 1708. Thank you.

Interschools Athletics Day

Congratulations to all Karāpiro School students who represented our school so well at the recent Interschool Athletics Day. We are incredibly proud of our students and the effort they put in.

Ronja - 2nd 4x100m mixed relay

Milla - 2nd 4 x 100m mixed relay

Aaliyah - 2nd 11 year old girls vortex

Term Dates 

Term 4 will end on 15 December 2023 at 12.30pm. Term 1 begins on 30 January 2024 at 9am.

We need your help!

Can you spare some time to help out at school? We don’t have a caretaker and we rely on the support of our community to keep our school looking great for our students. Please feel free to pop in over the holiday break and lend a hand with the following jobs: 

Spread bark onto gardens

Weed school vege garden

Weed carpark gardens

Turning over bark under playground

Hedge trimming (driveway)

General garden weeding around the school

Music Lessons

Music lessons are available at school on Thursday’s during school hours. We support this being available to students as we know the benefits learning an instrument has to education.

June MacKenzie is available to teach both individual and group lessons in guitar, ukulele, piano and keyboard. If your child is interested in learning an instrument and does not have access to one please let us know as there may be the option to loan one from the school. Lessons are $160 per term.  Please contact June Mackenzie on 021 136 0583 if you are interested.

Pool Keys

New pool keys are now available. Pool key hire is $50 for school families and $70 for community members. There is an additional $10 key bond which will be refunded when the key is returned. If you hired a key last season please return your last season’s key to the school office.

Learning Te Reo Māori - Kupu o te Ra - Word of the Day

Hīmene Kirihimete – Christmas carol

Ko tēhea te hīmene Kirimete e pīrangitia ana e koe kit e waiata?

Which Christmas carol do you want to sing?

Keep an eye on our School Calendar which is regularly updated.

Wishing you all a happy Christmas with your families.

Ngā mihi

Tina-Maree and the Karāpiro Staff team 

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Newsletter Week 7 Term 4 2023

Look us up at www.karāpiro.school.nz and like us on Facebook

Welcome to Week 7, Term 4 2023  

Baby Shower

Miss Smith, our fabulous Office Manager, is going on maternity leave at the end of term and we are very excited about the pending arrival of ‘our new school baby’! (We are also wondering what we are going to do without her!) Parents and caregivers: you are warmly invited to join our school staff for Lynda’s Baby Shower that we are putting on for Lynda at morning tea on Tuesday 5 December at 10.30am. Any queries (and your baby gift drop-offs!) can come to Tina-Maree school or message me at principal@karapiro.school.nz Thank you. 

Staffing 2024

School Pool

We need someone to help care for the school pool from 25-29 January. This would involve daily testing of the water and application of any treatments necessary. Training will be given by Mr C.

If there is anyone who is able to support us to keep the school pool open over the holiday break for our families, could you please contact Dan at dan@karapiro.school.nz to make a time to meet and have a pool maintenance lesson :) 

Rural Schools Athletics Day

Congratulations to all Karāpiro School students who represented our school so well at the recent Rural School Athletics Day. We are incredibly proud of our students and the many ‘personal best’ efforts that were achieved on the day. Thank you to the team at Kaipaki School for running the event and to Mrs Jones and Mrs McMillan who gave Mr C a hand to run the vortex station on the day. We have been advised these students received the following placings:

Ronja - 1st 100m, 3rd 200m, 3rd vortex, 2nd high jump

Milla - 2nd 100m, 1st 200m, 1st vortex

Ben - 1st 100m, 3rd high jump

Dakotah - 1st 200m, 3rd vortex, 3rd high jump

Leo - 3rd 200m, 1st shot put, 3rd long jump

Aaliyah - 3rd shot put, 1st vortex, 3rd high jump

Celestine - 1st discus, 1st vortex

Aylah - 2nd discus

Congratulations to everyone who gave it a go. All the best to the Karāpiro team who will represent our school in the Rural School team tomorrow at the Interschools Athletics event. 

Pohutukawa Camp

Thank you to everyone who made Pōhutukawa's Camp so awesome! We are grateful for all the parents and adults who helped out over the three days (Earl, Justin, Nicole, Eve, Marilynn, Rachael, Manuela, Danika, Aneka, Megan) and to the donors who made this possible through kai and fundraising contributions. We had the best time and made some lifelong memories along the way. We learnt to ski and developed our understanding of local tikanga and whakapapa. We zoomed down the hydroslide and roasted marshmallows. We even played a bit of spotlight and topped it all off with a trip to the Hamilton Zoo and Ninja Valley. Camping at school is pretty cool!

School Building Upgrade - Nga Iti Kahurangi

Our school building upgrade is in full swing this week, with repairs having been made to our buildings and spouting and the buildings washed down. The team on site is now preparing the building for painting which we hope will be underway next week. We are so grateful to the Programmed team for their work - and it was super-special to see them taking the time to give the senior playground a wash down this week too! Check out their progress in the pics below… if you look carefully you might see a sneak-peak of a colour change coming up!


Term Dates 

Term 4 will end on 15 December 2023 at 12.30pm. Term 1 begins on 30 January 2024 at 9am.

We need your help!

Can you spare some time to help out at school? We don’t have a caretaker and we rely on the support of our community to keep our school looking great for our students. Please pop in at a time that best suits you and lend a hand with the following jobs:

Manage pool over break

Weed school vege garden

Weed carpark gardens

Spread bark onto gardens

Hedge trimming (behind school)

Spring-clean PlayGroup classroom

End of Term Events



Interschool Athletics

Friday 24 November

Year 6 Leavers Dinner

Thursday 30 November at 5pm

Thank You Morning Tea

Friday 1 December at 10am

Gumboot Ball

Friday 1 December at 11am

Christmas Show or Virtues Class

Tuesday 5 December at 9am

Board Meeting - All welcome

Tuesday 5 December at 3.30pm

Talent Show

Thursday 7 December


Tuesday 12 December at 6pm

Wet and Wild Day

Wednesday 13 December

Games Day

Thursday 14 December

Last Day of Term

Friday 15 December at 12.30pm

First Day of Term 1 2024

Tuesday 30 January 2024 at 9am


Our end of year prizegiving will be held on Tuesday 12 December at 6pm at school.  We would love to see you there to celebrate our students' successes for the year. All Karāpiro School students will receive a certificate and our Year 6 students will be presented with their leaving certificates. We will also be presenting our major prizes for the 2023 school year and saying farewell to our school staff who are moving on. Please pop this date in your calendar now!

Thank You Morning Tea

Our thank you morning tea will be held on Friday 1 December at 10am to say thank you to everyone who has helped our school this year. This is our opportunity to say thank you to our school families as well as other supporters of our school for helping us and our students throughout the year. We would love to see you there. All are welcome!

Gumboot Ball on Friday 1 December from 11am

Music Lessons

Music lessons are available at school on Thursday’s during school hours. We support this being available to students as we know the benefits learning an instrument has to education.

June MacKenzie is available to teach both individual and group lessons in guitar, ukulele, piano and keyboard. If your child is interested in learning an instrument and does not have access to one please let us know as there may be the option to loan one from the school. Lessons are $160 per term. Please contact June Mackenzie on 021 136 0583 if you are interested.

Pool Keys

New pool keys will be available from Monday. Pool key hire is $50 for school families and $70 for community members. There is an additional $10 key bond which will be refunded when the key is returned. If you hired a key last season please return your last season’s key to the school office.

Rental Property Wanted

Just wondering if anyone knows of a home available to rent?  Looking to rent for approximately 6 months. We are a middle aged working couple, homeowners. We only need a small place, Cambridge/Hamilton/rural/furnished/unfurnished are all options. Good references available, no pets. Adrienne & Craig. 027 447 5996

Karāpiro School Community PlayGroup

Our PlayGroup schedule for term four is now up and running and on the flyer below. Please share with friends and family and anyone you know who might like to come along and join us. Please also note the transition dates for our new students starting school with us. 

Learning Te Reo Māori - Kupu o te Ra - Word of the Day

Hīmene Kirihimete – Christmas carol

Ko tēhea te hīmene Kirimete e pīrangitia ana e koe kit e waiata?

Which Christmas carol do you want to sing?

Keep an eye on our School Calendar which is regularly updated.

Ngā mihi

Tina-Maree and the Karāpiro Staff team 

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The school holidays are nearly upon us – keep the kids entertained by taking them to an action-packed game of basketball.

The BNZ Breakers have 8 Auckland games remaining this season and every single game promises plenty of fun, giveaways, and entertainment for the whole family. Choose the dates that suit you and get behind the BNZ Breakers. Tickets are on sale at www.ticketmaster.co.nz

Newsletter Week 4 Term 4 2023

Look us up at www.karāpiro.school.nz and like us on Facebook

Welcome to Week 4, Term 4 2023  

Swimming Pool

Our pool will be open from next week, Monday 6 November. Please make sure your child/ren have their togs and a towel each day for swimming. Swimming is part of our Health and Physical Education curriculum. Our school pool is open and we plan to swim every day. We are very fortunate to have solar heated water!  Please ensure your child has togs and towel ready for school - or a note from home is there is a reason they can’t swim.

We are also looking for a parent to volunteer to help maintain our school pool over the summer months, this involves checking chemical levels and general maintenance. If you are interested in helping with this please let Lynda in the office know.

Pool keys will be available from Monday. Pool key hire is $50 for school families and $70 for community members. There is an additional $10 key bond which will be refunded when the key is returned. If you hired a key last season please return your key to the school office.

Keeping Ourselves Safe (K.O.S.)

Our KOS programme continues with the support of Constable Kat from NZ Police. You can find more information on the programme here or speak with your classroom teacher.

Library Help

We are looking for some parents to volunteer to help us with some work in the library. We need to complete our end of year stocktake. We also need to pack up some books we have loaned from the National Library to return. This would involve checking books against the list and boxing them up. If you are able to help with this please let Lynda in the office know.

Athletics Day

Students aged 8-11 years (as at 24 November) will be attending the rural schools athletics day on Wednesday 15 November at the Cambridge Athletics Grounds on Vogel Street. Please complete the permission form: Athletics Day Permission Form

Students will need to be at school by 9.00am if they require transport to the event or they can be dropped off at the Cambridge Athletics Grounds for 9.45am and collected at 2.05pm. We do need parent helpers for transport and supervision so if you are available please let us know.

Students will need to wear a red Karāpiro School shirt. These are available to borrow from the school office if you do not have one. They will also need a hat, sports shoes, packed lunch and drink bottle. Please put sunscreen on before the event also.

Kaipaki School PTA will be providing some food for sale on the day so students can bring cash for this.

Thank You Margaret!

On Wednesday we had a special morning tea for Margaret Ng who has worked as our very own Speech Language Therapist. Margaret’s private practice has ‘taken off’ and so she will be spending her Wednesdays in her practice in town. We have been so privileged to have Margaret as part of the Karāpiro staff for the last few years. Thank you Margaret for being an awesome, loyal and dedicated member of the team - we have appreciated your expertise and support as well as the wonderful work you have done for so many Karāpiro kids. We had a farewell morning tea for Margaret at school on Wednesday - and were super lucky to receive her awesome gifts for the classrooms (wet days will never be the same again! Thank you Margaret!)

Please see the flyer below if you would like to make contact with Margaret for any speech and language queries :) 

Term Dates and Teacher Only Day

Term 4 will end on 15 December 2023 at 12.30pm. Term 1 begins on 30 January 2024 at 9am. Our next Teacher Only Day is Friday 17th November 2023, when the school will be closed for instruction for professional learning for teachers in the Refreshed New Zealand Curriculum.

Pōhutukawa Camp Information - 8-10 November 2023

When you arrive on the morning of November 8th for the first day of camp:

  1. Please arrive by 7.45am, as we will be departing for SnowPlanet at 8:00am

  2. Make sure your child has morning tea for the first day

  3. They will need to have a day bag packed with warm clothes, a lunch box and a spare change of clothes for the first day

  4. Students can drop their larger bags into Totara (Boys) or Kauri (Girls)

  5. Any donations of fruit, breakfast cereals or lunch items (such as muesli bars or bread) will be gratefully received on Monday, November 6 or Tuesday, November 7. Please leave at the office.

Another thing to note, is that we would like you to drop off their mattresses and sleeping gear on Tuesday, November 7th, so that their sleeping space can be set up in advance to camp starting. A detailed timeline and further information will be sent home with students over the next two days and via email. Please direct any camp questions to Mr. C.

We need your help!

Can you spare an hour once per week to help out at school? We don’t have a caretaker and we rely on the support of our community to keep our school looking great for our students. Please pop in at a time that best suits you and lend a hand with the following jobs:

Gutters/drains cleared

Weed school vege garden

Weed carpark gardens

Spread bark onto gardens

Bark on to playground

Remove lichen (playground)

Library stocktake

Spring-clean PlayGroup

Manage pool over the break

End of Term Events



Pōhutukawa Camp

Wednesday 8 November - Friday 10 November

Athletics Day (8-11 year olds)

Wednesday 15 November

Teacher Only Day (Curriculum) School Closed

Friday 17 November

Interschool Athletics

Friday 24 November

Year 6 Leavers Dinner

Thursday 30 November at 5pm

Thank You Morning Tea

Friday 1 December at 10am

Gumboot Ball

Friday 1 December at 11am

Christmas Show or Virtues Class

Tuesday 5 December at 9am

Board Meeting - All welcome

Tuesday 5 December at 3.30pm

Talent Show

Thursday 7 December


Tuesday 12 December at 6pm

Wet and Wild Day

Wednesday 13 December

Games Day

Thursday 14 December

Last Day of Term

Friday 15 December at 12.30pm

First Day of Term 1 2024

Tuesday 30 January 2024 at 9am


Our end of year prizegiving will be held on Tuesday 12 December at 6pm in Kauri Class. We would love to see you there to celebrate our students' successes for the year.

Thank You Morning Tea

Our thank you morning tea will be held on Friday 1 December at 10am to say thank you to everyone who has helped our school this year. We would love to see you there. All are welcome!

Gumboot Ball on Friday 1 December from 11am

Music Lessons

Music lessons are available at school on Thursday’s during school hours. We support this being available to students as we know the benefits learning an instrument has to education.

June MacKenzie is available to teach both individual and group lessons in guitar, ukulele, piano and keyboard. If your child is interested in learning an instrument and does not have access to one please let us know as there may be the option to loan one from the school. Lessons are $160 per term.  Please contact June Mackenzie on 021 136 0583 if you are interested.

Karāpiro School Community PlayGroup

Our PlayGroup schedule for term four is now up and running and on the flyer below. Please share with friends and family and anyone you know who might like to come along and join us. Please also note the transition dates for our new students starting school with us. 

Learning Te Reo Māori - Kupu o te Ra - Word of the Day

hoa: friend

Ka kite au i ōku hoa ki te kura - I will see my friends at school

Keep an eye on our School Calendar which is regularly updated.

Ngā mihi

Tina-Maree and the Karāpiro Staff team 

Screen%20Shot%202018-03-01%20at%203.03.20%20PM.png Find us on Facebook 

Newsletter Week 1 Term 4 2023

Look us up at www.karāpiro.school.nz and like us on Facebook

Welcome to Week 1, Term 4 2023.  

Welcome to Our New Students

Welcome to Milla and Alexia who have joined Pohutukawa class. Welcome to each of you and your families. It is a pleasure to be part of the beginning of your learning journey and your primary school days. We have many happy and exciting times ahead!

Sanctuary Mountain Pics

Students had an amazing trip to Sanctuary Mountain at the end of Term 3. They learned about the New Zealand environment and the flora and fauna which makes it unique, developed a deeper understanding of conservation in New Zealand and learned about the methods that have been used to keep the sanctuary pest-free.

New Gate

Thank you to Carl Jones and Greg Burton for our new driveway fence and gate to help make our school more secure. We really appreciate your time and energy! Thank you.

Ag Day 

Thank you so much to all those who came and made our Ag Day an amazing day!

Congratulations to our students who took part. The results are: Champion Calf - Celestine Poihipi, Reserve Champion Calf - Taniera Mitchell, Third Calf - Theo Epp, Champion Lamb - Zina Poihipi, Reserve Champion Lamb - Harley Foster, Third Lamb - Jahkai Poihipi and Best Dog - Eli Johnson.

A special thank you to the people who have made this event possible this year. We extend a huge welcome and thank you to the members of the Karapiro School PTA fundraising team. Thank you for your dedication and support for Karapiro School. 

Thank you: Lynda, Tina, Dan, Faye, Margaret & Amanda for all your hard work planning and organisation for making this day happen.

We need to say a huge thank you to our sponsors. Once again our students have been generously supported by the following companies:  LIC, FMG, Cambridge Vets (Patrick - BBQ), Marion from Sam and His Farmyard Friends (petting zoo and pony rides), Francis Skeet Trust and the Karapiro Hall committee for the use of your carpark.

Karapiro School families: Thank you for your support and for helping with the set up today, your generous baking and of course for supplying us with great students for our school! Thank you to Manuela and Nicole for your help selling food and drinks.

Give a Little Fundraiser for Pohutukawa Camp with Mr C!

Well done to Mr C and Pohutukawa class for raising $4356 for their camp this term. This is an incredible effort and Pohutukawa class are looking forward to an amazing camp. 

Thank You Morning Tea

Our thank you morning tea will be held on Friday 1 December at 10am to say thank you to everyone who has helped our school this year. We would love to see you there. All welcome!

Fred Hollows Award - Congratulations Aaliyah Tiatoa

Term Dates and Teacher Only Day

Term 4 2023 will end on 15 December 2023 at 12.30pm. 

Term 1 2024 begins on 30 January 2024 at 9am. 

Our next Teacher Only Day is Friday 17th November 2023, when the school will be closed for instruction for professional learning for teachers in the Refreshed New Zealand Curriculum.


Keeping Ourselves Safe – Parent Information Meeting Tuesday 17th October

This term we have a focus on safety and in Week 4 we will begin our Health Curriculum programme ‘Keeping Ourselves Safe’ which  is a comprehensive child abuse prevention programme for schools. Its purpose is to:

·     teach students a range of safe practices that they can use when interacting with other people, both online and face to face

·  teach students how to recognise the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships, and encourage students who have been or are being abused to seek help

·      prevent abuse by making parents and teachers more aware of their responsibilities to help students avoid abuse.

We will be teaching this unit in collaboration with Constable Kathryn (Kat) PAYNE

our local Police Education Officer. Kathryn has made herself available for a parent information meeting to answer any questions you may have. She will be at school at 2.00pm on Tuesday 17th October in the Whanau Room. Please RSVP to Lynda at office@karapiro.school.nz if you would like to attend. You can also find information at the link below:


Information for parents and whānau



Music Lessons

Music lessons are available at school on Thursday’s during school hours. We support this being available to students as we know the benefits learning an instrument has to education.

June MacKenzie is available to teach both individual and group lessons in guitar, ukulele, piano and keyboard. If your child is interested in learning an instrument and does not have access to one please let us know as there may be the option to loan one from the school. Lessons are $160 per term.  Please contact June Mackenzie on 021 136 0583 if you are interested.

Karāpiro School Community PlayGroup

Our PlayGroup schedule for term four is now up and running and on the flyer below. Please share with friends and family and anyone you know who might like to come along and join us. Please also note the transition dates for our new students starting school with us. 

Learning Te Reo Māori - Kupu o te Ra - Word of the Day

wai: water

Inumia te wai! - Drink the water!

Keep an eye on our School Calendar which is regularly updated.

Ngā mihi

Tina-Maree and the Karāpiro Staff team 

Screen%20Shot%202018-03-01%20at%203.03.20%20PM.png Find us on Facebook 

Junior Touch Term 4

In term 4, 2023 there will be a Junior Touch Module for years 3-8, with 3 grades, Years 3 & 4, Years 5 & 6 and Years 7 & 8. We are affiliated with Waikato Touch and Touch NZ. By playing in an affiliated module, players are eligible to trial for Waikato reps.

Games will be played at Memorial Park, Taylor St, Cambridge on Friday afternoons/evenings.  The first round will begin at 4 pm and half hourly after that. Games will comprise 2 x 12-minute halves with a 2-minute halftime.  Year 3/4 games will be played first, then Year 5/6 followed by Year 7/8.

The module will run for 7 weeks being: October 27th, November 3rd, November 10th,  November 17th,  November 24th,  December 1st,  and December 8th

Players can choose to register with either Hautapu Sports Club or Leamington Rugby and Sports Club to join a team.

Hautapu Sports:

Hautapu Sports Club registrations for Junior Touch in Term 4, 2023 are open. We have teams for year 3 - 8. 

We are thrilled to offer Touch again.

Registrations close on October 11th. Please register here: Touch Registration

Any questions please email Marie at touch@hautapusports.com

Leamington Rugby and Sports.

Leamington Junior Sports invites you to register for the 2023 Touch Rugby season, we offer Touch Rugby for Years 3-8.

We are so excited to see you!

Register here: https://www.sporty.co.nz/viewform/253451

Any Questions? Email Lara on leamingtonjuniorsport@outlook.com 

Here is the link to pre-register for the Riverside Adventures - Waikato Summer Series races/rides - https://www.webscorer.com/register?raceid=330477

You can also turn up on the night to race but get there by 6pm to ensure the club can complete your race registration before racing starts. Club Members are free / Non-Club Members can race for $5.

3 tracks to choose from catering for all skill and fitness levels. Summer Series Winners will be determined by a racer's best 10 races!

Newsletter Week 9 Term 3 2023

Look us up at www.karāpiro.school.nz and like us on Facebook

Welcome to Week 9, Term 3 2023.  

PTA - Fire Wood

Are you able to help? We have a wood splitter available but need the wood cut into chunks first. We are planning to sell the firewood to raise money for our school so any help would be appreciated.

Working Bee THANK YOU!

Thank you so much to everyone who helped out at our last working bee. We got so much done and the school is looking amazing.

Student Led Conferences

Student Led Conferences will be happening on Monday 18 September and Wednesday 20 September from 2.30pm - 5.30pm. To make a booking please use the following link:  Student Led Conferences Booking

If you have any questions regarding the conferences please let us know. If you are unable to attend during these times please contact your child/ren's teacher to arrange an alternative time to meet.

Sanctuary Mountain Trip

On Tuesday 19 September (Week 10)  all Karāpiro School students will go on an excursion to Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari, 99 Tari Road, Pukeatua. Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari is a mainland island sanctuary. The whole forest ecosystem is protected from introduced mammalian pests. The species live naturally in the protected ecosystems of Maungatautari. The ancient forest offers a sanctuary for populations of many of our most endangered species such as birds, skinks, geckos, frogs, bats, and insects. Students will  learn about the New Zealand environment and the flora and fauna which makes it unique, develop a deeper understanding of conservation in New Zealand and learn about the methods that have been used to keep the sanctuary pest-free. For more information please visit: Sanctuary Mountain

We will be leaving school at 9.15am and returning by 2.30pm. Please ensure all students are at school by 9am.

Students will need to bring:

- Packed morning tea and lunch in a sealed container

- A water bottle

- Clean, sturdy, comfortable, closed footwear (for walking on loose gravel and grass) and warm socks. Please no crocs, jandals, slides or gumboots. It is important that footwear is clean for biosecurity.

- Sunhat and sunscreen

- Rainproof jacket with a hood

- It is recommended that children wear layers of clothing as the mountain is colder

- A warm hat

We will need parent supervisors to help with supervision of small groups of students (please no babies or toddlers allowed) and with transport to and from Sanctuary Mountain. A reasonable level of fitness is required for the walking as there are some steep slopes on some parts of the track. Parents will supervise students on the walk (ensuring students stay on the trails and with the group, that they do not drop rubbish or touch bait stations, monitoring devices or pest control systems), and during morning tea and lunchtime (to ensure no rubbish is left).

Cross Country Results

Congratulations to our Karāpiro students for achieving placings and 'personal bests' yesterday at the Rural School' Cross Country hosted by Karāpiro School at Lake Karāpiro. We made a brave call (given the weather forecast!) but it paid off and we pretty much ran in the sunshine! Special thanks to Warren from Sitech Systems NZ Ltd for our sound gear, and to Steve and Wayne for pitching in with additional gear for the day. Nicole - you are an absolute legend for your generous support with your ute and trailer and thank you Jaime for your help with the gazebo. Huge thanks to Karāpiro School staff for all your planning, organisation and work on the day. 
We were well supported by our rural principals and their staff and parents too - it takes a village and the village turned up yesterday. Thank you Roto-o-Rangi SchoolKaipaki SchoolTe Miro School and Horahora School - Cambridge. What a team!

Congratulations to our students for their fantastic running at the rural schools cross country. The results are:

Theo Epp (6 year old boys) - 6th place

Alice Daly (8 year old girls) - 2nd place

Ronja Epp (8 year old girls) - 5th place

Ben Epp (10 year old boys) - 5th place

Aaliyah Tiatoa (11 year old girls) - 5th place

Leonidas Smith Serei (11 year old boys) - 3rd place

Congratulations to Leo

Well done to Leo who represented our school in the Rotary Speech Competition this week. We are very proud of you.

Student Survey Results

PTA Raffle Result

Congratulations to Martyn who was the winner of our PTA raffle for our cross country.

Life Education pics

Give a Little Fundraiser for Pohutukawa Camp with Mr C!

Mr. C is done with the bun! Help our little school get to camp with the Give a Little Fundraiser The seniors at Karāpiro School need help to get to camp! We're a little school looking for a chance to do something big. Being small is our super power and we want our school to have the same opportunities as other schools!

My name is Dan and I'm a second year teacher at Karāpiro School. I love my job and the rewarding feeling that comes with supporting our tamariki to become strong and successful individuals. In my short time as a qualified teacher, I have been blown away by how resilient, adaptable and accepting our children are. That's why I think that we deserve a chance to experience the joys of a camp just like many other schools around Aotearoa.

When I think of the core memories of my own personal childhood and schooling, camp sits above all else. To me, it is where so many of my most important friendships were forged and the highlight reel of growing up was compiled. It’s a true kiwi classic. During school camps, we learnt invaluable lessons, took part in opportunities that I’d never had before and, most importantly, had lots of fun. I could not find a group of children, nor school, that deserves an opportunity to participate in an end of year school camp more than this one.

To support our fundraising effort, I'm even offering to cut my flowing locks if we reach our goal! Please consider donating any small amount that you can, it all helps! Thank you so much for your time and consideration.    Give a Little Fundraiser 

Ag Day on Wednesday 11 October (Week 1 Term 4 2023)

See below the activity guide for students to start to work on now at home. These can be brought to school on Ag Day for judging.

If you have any questions about Ag Day please get in touch with Lynda in the school office.

Are You Interested in Joining Our PTA? 

Our PTA helps with fundraising for our school and helping out with events held such as Cross Country and Ag Day. Our PTA also organises school lunches throughout the year. If you are interested in being involved please get in touch with Lynda in the school office.

Music Lessons

Music lessons are available at school on Thursday’s during school hours. We support this being available to students as we know the benefits learning an instrument has to education.

June MacKenzie is available to teach both individual and group lessons in guitar, ukulele, piano and keyboard. If your child is interested in learning an instrument and does not have access to one please let us know as there may be the option to loan one from the school. Lessons are $160 per term.  Please contact June Mackenzie on 021 136 0583 if you are interested.

Karāpiro School Community PlayGroup

Our PlayGroup schedule for term three and four is now up and running and on the flyer below. Please share with friends and family and anyone you know who might like to come along and join us. Please also note the transition dates for our new students starting school with us. 

Learning Te Reo Māori - Kupu o te Ra - Word of the Day

hanawiti: sandwich

He hanawiti reka tēnā - That sandwich you have is delicious

Term 3 ends on Friday 22 September. There will be a celebration assembly from 12pm and we would love for you to be there. Students are welcome to leave after the assembly if you need to beat the holiday traffic. Term 4 starts on 9 October. 

Our next Teacher Only Day is Friday 17th November 2023, when the school will be closed for instruction for professional learning for teachers in the Refreshed New Zealand Curriculum. 

Keep an eye on our School Calendar which is regularly updated.

Happy Holidays!

Ngā mihi

Tina-Maree and the Karāpiro Staff team 

Screen%20Shot%202018-03-01%20at%203.03.20%20PM.png Find us on Facebook 

Junior Touch Term 4

In term 4, 2023 there will be a Junior Touch Module for years 3-8, with 3 grades, Years 3 & 4, Years 5 & 6 and Years 7 & 8. We are affiliated with Waikato Touch and Touch NZ. By playing in an affiliated module, players are eligible to trial for Waikato reps.

Games will be played at Memorial Park, Taylor St, Cambridge on Friday afternoons/evenings.  The first round will begin at 4 pm and half hourly after that. Games will comprise 2 x 12-minute halves with a 2-minute halftime.  Year 3/4 games will be played first, then Year 5/6 followed by Year 7/8.

The module will run for 7 weeks being: October 27th, November 3rd, November 10th,  November 17th,  November 24th,  December 1st,  and December 8th

Players can choose to register with either Hautapu Sports Club or Leamington Rugby and Sports Club to join a team.

Hautapu Sports:

Hautapu Sports Club registrations for Junior Touch in Term 4, 2023 are open. We have teams for year 3 - 8. 

We are thrilled to offer Touch again.

Registrations close on October 11th. Please register here: Touch Registration

Any questions please email Marie at touch@hautapusports.com

Leamington Rugby and Sports.

Leamington Junior Sports invites you to register for the 2023 Touch Rugby season, we offer Touch Rugby for Years 3-8.

We are so excited to see you!

Register here: https://www.sporty.co.nz/viewform/253451

Any Questions? Email Lara on leamingtonjuniorsport@outlook.com 

We are excited to announce our free Have-a-Go swimming carnivals for primary aged children, aimed at supporting the progression from our water safety education program into club swimming.
Working with our Member Swimming Clubs, Swimming Waikato would like to ensure those children who have developed water safety knowledge have the opportunity to connect with their local clubs, with the aim of offering further aquatic opportunities.

Have-a-Go’s are designed to cater for all different levels of swimming ability and to ensure all participants have a fun swimming experience. Kids will also be able to have-a-go at some short races where they will receive a participation ribbon and their official time. All participants will also receive a Swimming Waikato Sports Bag filled with 'Your Next Stroke's' support and plenty more.


Hamilton Have-A-Go Carnival

Sunday 17th September


More info & register: https://swimmingwaikato.co.nz/2023/06/have-a-go-carnivals/

Join us for our very first Gold Clam open days!

We need your help to spread the word about CORBICULA, the invasive Gold Clam that has been found in our Waikato River. 
Come along and enjoy a free BBQ on us and find out how you can play your part in protecting our lakes and rivers.

Saturday 16th September from 10-1pm at Grantham Street boat ramp, Hamilton City & 
Sunday 17th September from 10-1pm at Horahora Domain.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Hannah Munro
CHECK CLEAN DRY Ambassador Coordinator August-November 2023
021 235 0228

Newsletter Week 5 Term 3 2023

Look us up at www.karāpiro.school.nz and like us on Facebook

Welcome to Week 5, Term 3 2023  

Visit from All Black Cam Roigard

Today we welcomed back ex-Karāpiro School student Cam Roigard who gave his time to come back to school, where his rugby journey began. Cam spent some time with students talking about his journey to becoming an All Black and answered some questions the students had written for him. We were very lucky to have Cam sign a new rugby ball for a PTA fundraiser too! Cam reflected on his favourite things about school which were playing rugby and hanging out in the PE shed! He also remembered bringing his calves to Ag Day. Cam shared a message for the students which was to follow your dreams and work hard towards your goals. He thanked his family and friends for their encouragement and support of his goals.

It was a pleasure to welcome you back Cam. All the very best to you! We will be watching and following your tour with huge interest. Go Cam! And go the AB’s! 

John Parsons - Cybersafety talk

A reminder that Pohutukawa class will be attending the John Parsons talk on Friday 18 August at Roto-O-Rangi School. Students will leave school at 11.30am and return by 3pm. We are short on one more vehicle for transporting students so please let us know if you can help us. Thank you. 

The final opportunity to attend a parent meeting is tonight at Cambridge Middle School - see flyer below. 

Give a Little Fundraiser for Pohutukawa Camp with Mr C!

Mr. C is done with the bun! Help our little school get to camp with the Give a Little Fundraiser The seniors at Karāpiro School need help to get to camp! We're a little school looking for a chance to do something big. Being small is our super power and we want our school to have the same opportunities as other schools!

My name is Dan and I'm a second year teacher at Karāpiro School. I love my job and the rewarding feeling that comes with supporting our tamariki to become strong and successful individuals. In my short time as a qualified teacher, I have been blown away by how resilient, adaptable and accepting our children are. That's why I think that we deserve a chance to experience the joys of a camp just like many other schools around Aotearoa.

When I think of the core memories of my own personal childhood and schooling, camp sits above all else. To me, it is where so many of my most important friendships were forged and the highlight reel of growing up was compiled. It’s a true kiwi classic. During school camps, we learnt invaluable lessons, took part in opportunities that I’d never had before and, most importantly, had lots of fun. I could not find a group of children, nor school, that deserves an opportunity to participate in an end of year school camp more than this one.

To support our fundraising effort, I'm even offering to cut my flowing locks if we reach our goal! Please consider donating any small amount that you can, it all helps! Thank you so much for your time and consideration.    Give a Little Fundraiser 

Working Bee Sunday 27 August 9am-12pm

Our next working bee will be held on Sunday, 27 August from 9am-12pm. We need help with:

  • Leaves - driveway, courts and field

  • Gutters cleared

  • Weeding gardens - sandpit, carpark

  • School pool - clean out changing sheds, clear leaves from pool

  • School vege garden - weeding

  • Wash down outside of buildings

  • Clear branches and leaves at the top of the driveway

  • Spread bark onto junior playground and under trees on senior playground

  • Wash down playground (remove lichen/moss)

  • Clean interior windows - classrooms

We would appreciate any help you and your family can provide. Please bring any gardening tools you have. Morning tea will be provided.

Cross Country - Parent Support - Items for Donation to Raffle Box

This year we don’t have a PTA group so Tina-Maree and Lynda have taken on fundraising and we are running a raffle to raise money for our school (because we only have the two of us on the PTA we have offered the cross country food fundraiser to Horahora School this year). Raffle tickets have gone home with students for our cross country raffle. Additional ticket books are available from the school office. We are relying on parent donations of food for the prize box. Please send them off to the school office asap. Thank you for helping to fundraise for our school.

Because we only have the two of us on the PTA we have offered the food fundraiser to Horahora School this year.We also need parent support to help run our Cross Country (including parent marshalls) which is coming up on Tuesday 5 September. We are in desperate need of a trailer to transport our gear to and from the Lake Karāpiro venue. Please contact the office if you can help us. 


Our next assembly will be held on Friday 25 August at 2.30pm. We would love to see you there.

Ag Day on Wednesday 11 October (Week 1 Term 4 2023)

Registration forms have gone home for those students who would like to bring an animal for Ag Day. Please ensure that these are returned by 25 August.

Also see below the activity guide for students to start to work on now at home. These can be brought to school on Ag Day for judging.

If you have any questions about Ag Day please get in touch with Lynda in the school office.

Lambs for Ag Day 2023

"Our Netball Report" by Aaliyah and Dakotah

“When the day came we had to be ready. Our coach wasn’t there so it was a bit challenging. But one of our teammates' mums filled in her spot. We were waiting for the right timing. Then there was the bell. *Ding* All the kids that were just playing rushed out of the courts.Then there were our rivals. The team we were first versing. The last time we versed them it was a close  score, but we still won. But that didn’t matter. We had to concentrate. Usually we do the opposite but this time we had to be serious. We were now ready to verse the team called Kowhai. We had a little pep talk before we started the game, and before we knew it we were on the court ready to get this over with. “Ten seconds till we start,” said the lady on the speaker.Then there was the buzzer. We all dashed for the ball. We were all trying to defend them and soon succeeded. We were all waiting for the attackers to shoot the ball. Then there was the whistle. We got the goal! We were all so happy for the shooters. Then it was the other team's ball. Aaliyah and Dakotah were defending the other team's attackers. Then we caught the ball. After a while the ending buzzer went off. The score was 6/2. We had won our first game. We all thought that we had a winning shot for the finals. Then we had our second game. Just letting this reader or listener know if we lost a game we wouldn't go in the finals. Then we put on our stick-on-bibs. We were ready once again. Then the girl that Aaliyah was defending whispered “You're gonna lose” Then Aaliyah asked her if she had won before. Then she said “yes”. Then Aaliyah was thinking in her head *well that's about to change.* Then the bell went off. *Ding* We all charged into the centre third. We had the ball first. We were working as a team and called out each other's names desperate to get the ball. “Pass,shoot it,Defend and Yeah!” Were our main words we yelled out. Then we finished that game. We won again! With the score being 10/2. We were kinda surprised to be winning this much. But that was only two, we still needed to win one more to get into the finals. Then after that we had a 1 hour break. We asked if we could go to the park and that's what we did. We mainly went on the swings and the seesaw. We were all being stupid and silly. Then the time was 11:15. We all knew what to do. So we all rushed back to the tent to do our final game to get into the finals. At last our final team we had to beat. The opponents had some tall people but we believed that we could not be stopped.There were two people who had to be subs. Aaliyah was off the first round. We all tried our hardest to win this victory. Then in a flash we had won! Again! With the score being 13\2 We all screamed out “WE’RE MAKING IT TO THE FINALS!!” Then after a while of celebrating our victory, we were ready for the finals. Oh no! It was a team that was really well trained. Their coach is really strict to them. And they are expected to do everything they can to win. Our coaches on the other hand are really focused and believable. They always cheer us on. “One, two, three KARAKA!” We were gonna act as if we won the world cup.[if we won this game]  “Ten seconds till we start” The woman on the speaker said. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. everyone counted in their head waiting to be able to run into the center third. Suddenly the whistle went off and every kid on the court ran as fast as they could into the center trying to catch the ball and as soon as we knew it we were already down on the end of the court where we shoot *TWEET* went the whistle and we had already gotten a goal. Before we knew it we had already gotten 4 goals then we got 5 then we got 7 then we got 10 and soon we had 13. *DING* The game was over and we had won the finals. We screamed in joy. The score was 13/7. We couldn't believe we had won the tournament! We all calmed down and waited for the bell to ring again for the prize giving. Then it rang. All the players that had played the finals ran to the ringing of the bell. The Lady announced the year 3,4,5 prizes. “Ok everyone here is the year 6 runner up team, Hautapu Whero!” We all yelled and cheered for them. “Ok everyone the year 6 champions this year goes to Hautapu karaka!” Yay we all hugged and screamed at each other happily. We were all relieved that we had won and had all the pressure off of us. Then we all sang we are the champions. Then it was time to go home. We all hope we will do another tournament. Well, stay tuned for the next netball report in Tauranga!”

Are You Interested in Joining Our PTA? 

Our PTA helps with fundraising for our school and helping out with events held such as Cross Country and Ag Day. Our PTA also organises school lunches throughout the year. If you are interested in being involved please get in touch with Lynda in the school office.

Digital Equity Internet Access

The Ministry of Education has funding available to support families in homes without an internet connection. Please make contact with Tina-Maree principal@karapiro.school.nz if you would like more information about accessing this support. 

Music Lessons

Music lessons are available at school on Thursday’s during school hours. We support this being available to students as we know the benefits learning an instrument has to education.

June MacKenzie is available to teach both individual and group lessons in guitar, ukulele, piano and keyboard. If your child is interested in learning an instrument and does not have access to one please let us know as there may be the option to loan one from the school. Lessons are $160 per term. Please contact June Mackenzie on 021 136 0583 if you are interested.

Karāpiro School Community PlayGroup

Our PlayGroup schedule for term three and four is now up and running and on the flyer below. Please share with friends and family and anyone you know who might like to come along and join us. Please also note the transition dates for our new students starting school with us. 

Learning Te Reo Māori - Kupu o te Ra - Word of the Day

kōwhai: yellow

He kōwhai te rā - The sun is yellow

Our next Teacher Only Day is Friday 17th November 2023, when the school will be closed for instruction for professional learning for teachers in the Refreshed New Zealand Curriculum. 

Keep an eye on our School Calendar which is regularly updated.

Ngā mihi

Tina-Maree and the Karāpiro Staff team 

Screen%20Shot%202018-03-01%20at%203.03.20%20PM.png Find us on Facebook 


For students and whānau who love the outdoors, maps, adventures, team challenges and having fun in our beautiful taiao – join the Frazzled Kiwi fun on Sunday 20 August in Cambridge.

The course is designed for students and families as well as adult social & work teams of 2 – 5 people. Frazzled Kiwi is a fun introduction to adventure racing – use your course map and clue sheet to find checkpoints and complete fun mystery activities. While Frazzled Kiwi is a run/trek only adventure race, it’s still 100% a team sport – you must stick together on the course.

For more information and to register your team, visit: https://soakedinadventure.co.nz/frazzled-kiwi-cambridge/


Course length: 6-7km [complete within 1.5 – 3hrs]

Date: Sunday 20 August 2023

Key times: 8.30am registration; 9.45am race briefing; 10am race start; 1pm prizegiving

Cost per person: $35



We are interested to hear from anyone who would like to work for the 2023 General Election.

We are seeking people 16+ who can work on Election Day, 14 October 2023.

We are also employing people who wish to work at advanced voting polling places or in the Waikato Electorate Head Quarters based in Hamilton.

Apply online at:

Open this Hyperlink and scroll to the bottom of the page to apply.

General Election 2023 - Waikato Electorate - Electoral Commission (elections.nz)

Look forward to hearing from you.

Katrina Pepper

Recruiting & Rostering Manager.

Waikato Electorate

021 2423847
